So a man can NOT know of God if he has not been sanctified, says the Calvinist (according to T.- Total depravity)?
Yet, “So the shipmaster came to him, and said unto him, What meanest thou, O sleeper? Arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not.
Jonah 1:6 KJV
Thus the definition IS A LIE!
These men were lost, dying and praying to their gods and asked this man, Jonah, to pray to his God which was different from theirs.
Then these lost men were given the truth about Jonah’s God, and they ended up turning away from their false gods to the God of heaven whom created the sea and land (Jonah 1: 9).
Wherefore they cried unto the Lord, and said, We beseech thee, O Lord, we beseech thee, let us not perish for this man’s life, and lay not upon us innocent blood: for thou, O Lord, hast done as it pleased thee. Then the men feared the Lord exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the Lord , and made vows.
Jonah 1:14, 16 KJV
These men were LOST and prayed to a God (according to Calvinism a God that you can not know or pray to UNTIL sanctified-saved) that Jonah told them created the world and they feared for their lives for mercy from this God.
Wherefore they cried unto the Lord, and said, We beseech thee, O Lord, we beseech thee, let us not perish for this man’s life, and lay not upon us innocent blood: for thou, O Lord, hast did as it pleased thee. Then the men feared the Lord exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the Lord, and made vows.
Jonah 1:14, 16 KJV
God at times showed people signs and wonders through divers manners and divers miracles of his glory (Jonah4:5; Hebrews 1:1; Hebrews 2:4- this fishy story has everything about Christ in a very likely way to tell future children about the story of Jesus, the Highest Priest, to come as our sacrifice offering that was represented by Issac long ago and end all temple Priests as judges and priests in general). These lost men had opened eyes to false gods and the real God (while Calvinism says men have closed eyes and can NOT KNOW THE TRUTH UNTIL SAVED FIRST) which Jonah preached to them and then (after their first birth) MADE NEW VOWS with sacrifices with a new allegiance of faith.
Jonah “was called” with the keys (word of God) to heaven and hell to go tell the Gentiles (Jesus is the bouncer or judge[which means to evaluate sins like Christians are told to do or analyze the fruit tree by its fruit] to the single east gate of the first garden of Eden and second and Jesus is the condemner [as the priests -Jonah had authority by God to represent the voice of God]. Thus Jonah’s keys are completely another typological symbol of Christ’s (a “gourd, covering, a covering that makes a shadow (Jonah 4:5) protecting Jonah from the heat which is God’s judgement on sinners; and the booth and gourd, typological symbols, were also smote by God (the Tabernacles or “booth” that all priests presented judgment from and Christ being the gourd was smote by God also).
Jonah has the power to save by what? Snapping his fingers? No! The word (the keys). The priests were the preachers and disciples of the time. As priests gave people the word from God they spoke by ending each statement with, “thus saith the Lord”. Jonah was a literal voice box of God’s mouth and you can see the Ninevites believed absolutely so!Christ could have told Jonah it was ok not to go to Ninevah. God could have allowed Jonah to be eaten and killed for good in the whale (God could choose another to go tell them the gospel), which is exactly what Satan wanted (but, God picked Jonah because he knew he would repent and the whole story would become a HUGE PROPHETIC story about Jesus in the wilderness, the Gentiles getting saved and Christ overcoming death and Satan’s temptation unlike Jonah the lower priest; then unlike Jonah being able to raise himself from the dead like Jesus the highest priest would in the future!)! God told the whale to spit Jonah’s dead carcass out. God raised his son, Jonah, back from the dead after three days; but God raised himself (Jesus who did not go down to hell but “in the ground” which is what the Hebrew word Hades meant-dead) unlike Jonah. Jonah took the keys to the gates of hell (if a lost person attempted to re-enter heaven (the second Garden of Eden) without Jesus’ permission that gate would lead to hell instead) which he hoped the Ninevites would get by changing back to their evil ways like those at Mount Sinai! The lost became saved, after their first birth and then were born again, right in front of Jonah! They all repented and thus the prophetic typological story for the predestined plan would come about regarding the Gentiles(stones- also referenced as “The Great Mystery” in the N.T.). The Ninevites were thus “SAVED BY FAITH” (with a “work of faith” Jonah 3:10!!!!!!), not by inheritance (like a first-born receiving the blessing just because of his proxy to birth among his siblings).
It is by the word of God that they shall be saved, not by my hand (Jesus in Matthew 4:4).
Read all four parts now posted. Learn how the Fish is Jesus way before he shows up on earth. Learn how Satan is defeated in the desert with Jesus in this story way before it happens. Learn Satan tries to keep the gospel to only the Jews (Jonah), but Jesus has a different plan. Learn how Jonah who is the opposite of Saul (turned to Paul), yet both Jews, hates the idea of Gentiles getting saved; but, Paul recognized unlike Jonah how the blood of Jesus was placed before Adam’s feet before Adam was even created( Romans 8). Jonah and the fish is REALLY ABOUT JESUS AND GRACE AT THE FOUNDATION OF THE UNIVERSE! Jesus SAVED Adam and Eve (Romans 8:29). Jesus was there (Rom.8:38,39- time does not have boundaries on God the creator of it. You read a story about Jesus coming as a human on our time line. Never tell God he is not God by saying he (Jesus) is limited like a human (think of Marty McFly in the movie: “Back to the Future”). Jesus is prophesied about the entire O.T. and the Jews become mad just like Jonah because God’s anger is stopped by Jesus and saves the most horrible folks ever created (sinners). Here you must recognize the bloodline that has been prophesied about! Jesus is from David back thru the Israelites of Jacob. The entire Bible has basically one very small group of people worshipping Elohim and all the others something else. The Jews get hammered with a story of “favoritism”! They are favored like an obedient child who gets rewards and not spanked. The other kids get their butt spanked. It is simple common sense why! The favored children become like brats. They all of a sudden feel this sense of “bloodline ownership” to God the Father. They, just like kids, do not have authority or “ownership” in Daddy! Mom could die, and he fall in love with another woman and have more kids. Why do those children from the first mother “OWN” the dad verses the next children? Sorry! Daddy can love ALL THE SAME! Well, the Jews get slammed with the revelation that Jesus is the Elohim Abraham worshipped but just are not willing to accept how God’s (Jesus’) mercy can be great enough to forgive those other children from a different mother(Gentiles- the entire human culture other than their own – all because they were the only ones worshipping him as the others worshipped false gods). Why is it fair that God should forgive a disobedient child from a different mother(Gentile) from burning? HERE IS WHY: GOD’S “PLAN” (plans are the first step before building anything) precedes or predestinates Dad having kids from the first mother and Dad having kids from the second mother! That PLAN was that ANY OBEDIENT kid would become “placed first” (like by adoption, no by birthright or which order they came out of mommy). “Birthright” is the BRATS idea God was suppose to reward and punish by! But, Paul, is found to have the opposite heart of his half-brother Jonah (symbolic half-brothers as they are both Jews, both become Chritians, both are from the bloodline of Abraham, both prophets, and like Esau who were would be entitled to salvation based upon their first water birth not their second)! Paul sees Christ adopt him as having been “born first by baptism” not of a woman. Paul describes how bad he feels for his blood brothers who have been worshiping El in the Hebrew temples, but he was killing them. He had such a strong revelation of Christ’s story while blind and yet his blood brothers rejected with their good eyes the truth they had seen their entire lives( Rom. 7 & 8)! The Ninevites only asked for forgiveness by the blood of Jesus AND THEY ALL GOT ADOPTED EQUALLY “FIRSTBORN” (like Jacob and David) right beside Jonah or any other sinner. This story is for EVERYBODY! THIS IS NO FISHY STORY! Unless you see JESUS as the fish, as Jonah, as the gourd, s the shadow, as the Higher priest than Jonah, as the final Tabernacle, as the end of the boring temporary animal sacrifices, as the One who rose himself from the dead, as the One who did not fall from temptation of the Devil, who can see the heart of man beyond their sins, as the cooler from the heat, it is ALL ABOUT JESUS.