Parables and expository understanding of the Bible
Here is a parable:
Vs. 1. In this particular city were several indoor large malls. Vs. 2. One mall had a majority of whites that patroned it. Vs. 3. Two other malls were located on the older outskirts of the city and these were about to close. Vs. 4. The older malls on the outskirts of town are patroned by a majority of blacks.
So, take verse 4 and read it to the congregation and tell them it applies to every black in every city! That is how preachers use scripture in “EXPOSITORY” teaching! It is WRONG!
THAT VERSE DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING LIKE IT READS IF USED THAT WAY! The preacher would be teaching all malls in every city on the outskirts of town have only black shoppers.
SECOND, that verse is NOT about every black on the planet!
THIRD, the preacher’s discernment came ONLY FROM THE SINGLE SENTENCE!!!!! THIS IS THE BIGGEST ERROR AND FRANKLY UNINTELLIGENT AND DEMONIC!! WHY? Because the Holy Spirit has not been involved with the preacher’s ignorant flesh!
“For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Matthew 22:14 KJV
As matter of fact, this verse is Jesus ONLY addressing THE JEWS; then NOT even every Jew! Jesus is talking SPECIFICALLY to the Pharisees (and elders, and scribes but mostly the Pharisees and Jesus are giving them the gospel first as prophecy was foretold! THEIR heart is being examined by Jesus! The parable is one that THEY CAN RELATE TO LIKE A CURRENT EVENT (like last week in their time) and it is about a “JEWISH WEDDING FEAST” (have you ever been to a Jewish wedding?).
SO if you use this verse to claim an “application” that it applies to other people in any way YOU ARE HORRIBLY CHANGING THE WORD OF GOD! GOD FORGIVE YOU! Who are the “good and bad” people? Answer that!!! You can not do it unless you accept this version of discernment! Jesus says he is like the king! How does Jesus let “bad” people in heaven???? Jesus does not!!!
The king in the story DOES NOT!!!!
ONLY the Pharisees’ heart could let a “BAD” person in heaven!!! Who are they?
They are Gentiles like the Ninevites!!!!
Jesus is JUDGING THE PHARISEES ON THE SPOT!!! THEN HE PRONOUNCES THEIR DESTINY TO HELL!!!!!!!!!! ALL while telling them those “bad” people you hate and think “should not” and will not” get into heaven WILL BE THERE (Gentiles)!!!
Are there any “JEWS” CHOSEN? YES! YES!! YES!
“Chosen” according to SPIRITUAL discernment in these parables spoken by Jesus himself, it means “SOMEONE WHO ACKNOWLEDGES JESUS IS LORD and not just a ” prophet”!! So, listen up!
Chosen is accepting Jesus as Lord and it is someone who does NOT BLASPHEME the Holy Spirit (just like the Pharisees in front of him!)!!
Now to give real meat on these bones: (proof with more scripture!)!
John 3:1-2
Then the quintessential context is John 2:23-25!
“Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.
John 2:23-25 KJV
So, what does that last verse mean?
Does it mean God is unjust that he would create a human to just have him destined for hell before his birth and do nothing but evil? You would have the character of a Pharisee and call him Beelzebub! Jesus asked those wicked stiff necked vipers why would a man divide his own house? Yet, preachers and Christians keep claiming such demonic interpretations as gospel!!
Was this information new to you?
Did you see Jesus all over this story?
Jesus came and told us we must believe he is Lord by faith; there is no inheritance of salvation, there is no predestination of salvation, there is not salvation under the law; but by his blood alone. This is what a ” REVELATION” of Jesus is! Revelations is not a book about the future! It is a book that let’s you see Jesus in an extremely different manner just like me explaining the scriptures here! Read all of scripture WITH ALL OF SCRIPTURE (synergy principle).