And there stood Jesus at the foundation of the world before God “in the cool of the day” to begin the mercy…

And there stood Jesus at the foundation of the world before God “in the cool of the day” to begin the mercy which only he could provide to keep the fire and wrath of God from burning the wicked (Adam & Eve). Jesus was there in the beginning and Adam and Eve were also saved by the only blood that could prevent the destruction of the flesh and soul! Jesus IS GOD FIRST; not of man first! Jesus raised himself from the dead as death, time and all aspects of the sinful man is temporarily bound by; but those things do NOT LIMIT GOD THE CREATOR! ( Think of Marty McFly at the resurrection)! WOW! THANK YOU JESUS. NOW READ THE BIBLE AS A HUMAN LEARNING ABOUT GOD; not as a human reading about a human as though he were like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David or you! Their bones are in Hades( correct interpretation means – GROUND!). If you read Saul’s account (Romans 7) of JESUS’ GRACE, MERCY AND SACRIFICE ( the PLAN was predestined) given to him but denied by his “righteous” ( “church going” Jewish brothers Rom. 9:2-3 ) and now you can understand “the Great Mystery” ( Rom. 9:4 salvation by adoption )! It is not that JESUS DOES THE SAVING BEFORE THE FOUNDATION BUT JESUS IS BEFORE THE FOUNDATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Col. 1:15 & Micah 5:2).

Do not misinterpret prophecy by changing the way God “planned” the way to salvation. Once there was just God; then the Kings and the prophets, the judges and men of God who were written about to describe Jesus ( that is what is called a “type” of Jesus in other words they are used to narrate a living story about Jesus; people told stories and had living examples to easily remember how, where, why and what the Messiah would do when he got here; this Shamgar helped people see a living story as a prophecy about Jesus). Shamgar was a judge who gave God’s children mercy and hope even when they did not ask for it. When you read the O.T. try digging the gold out of the nuggets of scripture that reveal the characteristics of Jesus, not the man wrote about (like Shamgar). Jesus showed us that he provided what we needed BEFORE we “knew we needed” it. Jesus showed us that he provides grace and mercy BEFORE “time” of needing it. Jesus showed us that he provided it BEFORE we “asked” for it. Jesus showed us that he provided it BEFORE those who did “NOT ASK” for it! JESUS IS MERCY AND GRACE no matter who or what is in front of him! You can NOT CHANGE GOD! HUMANS MUST CHANGE their source of truth from what sin (the Tree of Knowledge- Satan, the flesh, and the world) provides to what God provides which is WISDOM ( the word of God-the truth, hope and rest that only comes from him). Shamgar is also the PERFECT EXAMPLE of a sinner that GOD CAN USE, JUST LIKE ANYBODY ELSE! 

You are going to be a type (narrating a character or prophecy about Jesus or Satan) of God or Satan; which do you prefer? That is what is predestined ( Elohim, the Trinity at the foundation of the universe planned to build and save the world themselves; Jesus would be a model for every human to look toward and learn from; Saul, Pharoh, or Ninevites would all have the ability to accept and worship Christ to come or the Christ that came; not everybody would get as many chances as others but each person would get at least one good chance to accept the Truth)!! You have a choice which is what you call your testimony; one of Christ or one of someone or something else. After that will come your entire purpose of modeling a “type” (PTN- prophetic typological narration). Your testimony does nothing for your sanctification it is only the sign at the crossroad in your life which starts a new direction like a man exiting the gates of the prison. Run away from the bondage or take the path that remains and keeps you trapped inside. Jesus is the only one with the keys who has given me a copy. I stand here and wait to open the gate! Jer. 29:11; Rom. 3:23-26; John 3:16; Rev. 22:17; the rest of the whole bible. Jesus is the way the truth and the life and offers bread and drink and had the disciples take the baskets and distribute thousands of fish from the one basket that they held. Jesus provides the miracle and demands that his followers work their hardest at spreading the bounty he has provided. I am like a glorified waiter; waiting for the next person to ask for a REAL MEAL OF ETERNAL LIFE!

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Melchizedek University
