This morning the Lord gave me the words to explain an awesome story. It started with a person asking me about the Tower of Babel. That lead me to explain the general fall of man and God’s mercy to save the few who were obedient. The person thanked me and then made the comment that many should find is how “FEW” there were and probably will be in heaven.
Well, my reply to that comment is here. I share this because so many people do NOT UNDERSTAND the significance, passion, or craziness of why I spend so much time writing and sharing. Facebook is the largest public media platform on the planet! God scattered his word (people who share) all over the planet. But, it does no good “in a drawer”! Here is my reply:
“(Person)” you are welcome and may God bless you. It is easy to think that there are few who will enter because the flesh is so easily deceived in so many ways. From the very beginning with Adam, who was made perfect, was even himself totally incapable of overcoming temptation! It says this in many places! God designed us as a being required to accept, love and honor our parent. Jesus is God, a part of the deity of God, provided in their design an avenue of “safety” and “assurance” of life, love, and provisions just like we experience with our offspring. Fortunately, this God the Father cannot fail, disappoint, or break promises by failing himself. This father is Holy, perfect and demonstrates to us the way of learning so in our lives we can strive to become better parents through the strength of him ( like good parents, with better grandparents, and even better supporting great grandparents word picture of family support; not enabling but true loving support). The point I am going is even though “there does seem to be few” it is by the grace, sovereign ability, and mercy of Jesus that “we, a part of the sick, disobedient, and pathetic excuses of a child disobeying CAN AND ARE adopted into His family by his atonement ( his judging) NOT OURS! There would be even less if “we” were the judge! Look at Jonah and the preachers of the day ( the Pharisees). Thank you, Jesus, there is so much forgiveness in his heart that there WILL BE MANY! WE HAVE TO SHARE “HIS LOVE” as our adopted father who has so much more room for a BIGGER family! He puts it on us to be the PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND RECRUITING AGENCY of his adoption abilities! This is why I do this. THERE IS MORE ROOM FOR BETTER PEOPLE THAN ME! I SHALL ENTER HEAVEN, BUT IT WILL BE ME WHO “WONDERS” ( word picture of complete humility due to my sickness that was filthy rags worthy of hell) how I am in the presence of God sitting at his family table like the “one” who shouldn’t have made it.
Jesus is the only way and he adopts the wicked who asks for forgiveness. There is always only ONE father that sits at the head of the table. It is up to each individual to “choose” their father! When that choice is made your father will lead you somewhere; your path will depend upon your choice. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”! All others lead to wickedness, destruction, and death! Without “religion”, history even proves his words are true!