Get scripturally Real

I love to write long explanations about scripture but this is going to be a quick scriptural vitamin filled food for thought.  I will try to do every week called “Get scripturally Real” .

Here is the first one:  So many of you and others agree, have agreed, or think Tim LaHaye is correct about the 144,000 Christians being martyred during a 7 year tribulation period.

Ok. So for starters would any of you disagree that little babies that die are innocent and go to heaven? 

Second, anybody no matter how old they are that go to heaven would this be deemed by all rights as a “Christian”?

So, if there are well over 1 million little children being murdered every every year (the number in the U.S. alone!) and growing each year; how many Christians (of the 144,000 Christians) would have gone to heaven in those seven years?  Tim LaHaye says the 144,000 are Gentiles, not Jews (can you see the giant math problem yet?)!!!

Therefore “Get scripturally Real” and pray for some God given wisdom instead of believing crap that wouldn’t make since to a lost guy!

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Melchizedek University
