Is there science in the Bible? Does Science demonstrate truths in the Bible? One of the most famous astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, teaches how to learn and communicate about science. His famous quote is, “One of the greatest challenges of this world is knowing enough about a subject [so, science or the Bible is applicable here] to think you are right; but, not enough about the subject to know you are wrong.” If science and the truths revealed in the Bible have anything in common with science it would be Dr. Tyson’s observed objective truth about the “LACK OF KNOWLEDGE” regarding science or any other subject for that matter is extremely crucial for getting close to the truth ( or “final answer”). Another teaching of Dr. Tyson is recognizing knowledge comes in three forms: 1. Data 2. General information is knowledge and 3. Knowledge that can be even recognized in a higher level called “wisdom”.
Dr. Tyson teaches more communicative principles about science than the knowledge of science itself. Dr. Tyson has become very popular as like “The Science Guy” [ known as Bill Nye] who also is more respected as a popular “science motivator” and NOT the “science or physicist go-to-guy”.
Dr. Tyson says “science is true whether you believe it or not”. There is another great commonality with the truth in the Bible.
There are many things that he teaches that can absolutely be recognized as having commonalities between science and scripture; but, the most commonality he teaches is his ideology of science is recognizing what is “incalculable” must be calculated to include it as relative data in order to hold to his most convincing communicative goal in teaching his “objective truths” regarding science!
Dr. Tyson drives hard the ideas of “asking questions” and being “skeptical” in your research findings! He believes “bias” is basically in everything and shifts your entire ability to reach the objective truths of science almost impossible! This is true about what is taught in the churches! Personal bias, political bias, cognitive bias, and cultural bias all play a part in what everyone accepts as facts or real truths in science and scripture.
How do you weed out all of the overwhelming garbage? Dr. Tyson will take you through hours of “RE-training your thinking”! In fact this is exactly what I have learned from seeking knowledge, data and wisdom about every subject and matter in the scriptures to help teach others. “RE-TRAINING” IS A HUGE TASK! IT does require an “open mind”. Dr Tyson says science literally can NOT be taught without a person examining false information, called theories and hypotheses. The Bible does NOT have theories or hypotheses; but, millions of doctorates of theology have created them and they are called “doctrines of men” in scripture! These men approach their audiences the same way Dr. Tyson teaches his communicative objectives. Dr. Tyson uses curiosity, audience engagement [ if publicly speeking] and his best showmanship, like Bill Nye, “legerdemain”! Yes, the best stage prop any performer has other than “real talent” is magic! If you LISTEN you will see MAGIC from those guys talking about science. They use the EXACT SAME magic acts every conversation! Whether you hear the exact words or not be assured this is their number one trick. They must rely on you NOT hearing their “lies” because they gave it to you as a ” theory”! Remember, “you can NOT become a genius like them if you do NOT accept theories as FACTS! YOU MUST HAVE AN OPENED MIND TO ILLUSIONS TO SEE THE TRUTH! What are some of them? Well, fact #1. You must see yourself as an insignificant being in the vastness of space to wrap your head around the potential complexes of science when becoming smarter ( Dr. Tyson)!
#2. You must believe in the theory of EVOLUTION” in order to graduate first grade in their science world of their genius peers.( Bill Nye & Dr. Tyson)
#3. “Your need for feeling special may be getting in the way of your search for objective truths.”( Dr. Tyson)
#4. “The less connected you are to what is objectively true, the less likely you will be able to make decisions that will benefit your life and even the next civilization itself.” ( Dr. Tyson)
#5. “Search engines are the epitome of bias about any subject!” (Dr. Tyson) Ok. Most are agreeing with this; but, you failed to remember his teaching says “data”, and false data, theories, hypotheses, and skepticism from wrong or correct information is a process of calibrating. Measuring is NOT always accurate and accurate measuring requires practices that lead to precision. Also, he described the same thing as scientist need to calculate the “incalculable” [ that is nothing more than illusions in a lab or on a chalk board].
#6. Science truths, if they come by the way of the ideology of evolution, can only be understood by a science genius as “RANDOMNESS” is like Entropy; which entropy is only “AN EXPRESSION IN SCIENCE DESCRIBING UN-CALCULABLE CHAOS! that becomes a completely level of God understanding who created such a thing [which they believe did not create]!” ( John Bowen)
Science is NOTHING MORE THAN A SIMPLE SUBJECT; unless you make it complicated WITH LIES!
THE BIBLE IS A simple subject unless you have been taught it by liars!
Both subjects have finite answers and finite solutions to problems generated by the nieve and bewitched humans! God says both science and he can be understood if you study his word, pray and give thanks to him for all things that he created! [Isaiah 55]
I dont suggest studying any lies when it comes to either science or the scripture because we were already all bewitched with enough false experiments and illusions with our microscopes. Jesus told humans in the begining to heed his voice and his word! We failed and accepted lies, and since the big bang of God’s right hand slapping evil into oblivion we have been required to work diligently after knowledge “from him” for planting, gathering, socializing, building, surviving, reproducing, procreating, and becoming wiser with truth in ALL MATTERS! God says he will make the geniuses of the world as fools!
When you read the BIBLE, seek every sentence, every topic. every story, every character, every chapter and book and LOOK FOR JESUS AS IN A MICROSCOPE with NOT your eyes but your “heart” where the Holy Spirit must guide your thoughts to and from heaven! John wrote about an amazing revelation; but, every book in the Bible has the same intent of revealing a revelation of Jesus! Be skeptical; but, not of God. Be skeptical of the “doctrines of men”. A quick example is how every theologian has “LABELED Thomas” in the Bible as “Doubting Thomas”! That ideology of skepticism did hit my mind hard! It hit me so hard that it made me mad to think a disciple walking with Jesus, hand picked by Jesus, and has a story told about him in the Bible, was a “LOST GUY” [ according to the theology scholars]! God said, “John, take every thought I have written in my word and thank of what possible blessing and HUGE REVELATION OF JESUS you could get out of the story THAT I HAVE WRITTEN TO YOU?”[ Hebrews 5- yes, literally that is what he told me th through the Holy Spirit!] So, I prayed and the Holy Spirit began to tell me why Thomas “made the statement he made!” John, it was for your good! John, it was for the good of all who come to me and seek my face like you have! Dont listen to the “doctrines of men”! You are a “doubter yourself” with many things! You have learned so many things from your earthly father that you did not understand how it could be true and in college ( heck most stuff about science was included). Thomas made it possible that “YOU WOULD NOT HAVE TO DOUBT”!!!!!!
THOMAS was a vessel like you are during your lifetime with others seeking truth and blessings from me! Thomas “expressed unbelievable discernment” ( like seeing Entergy coming out of a black hole that it is not capable of doing- “as the geniuses use to say yesterday] as a STRONG BELIEVER AND FOLLOWER OF ME!!! The Holy Spirit continued to pour his truth in my mind! Thomas became “PROOF POSITIVE THOMAS” for the sake of ALL MANKIND!!!!!! When Jesus revealed such an enormous truth to me which was opposite of everything I have ever read or heard it was truly like JOHN SEEING AND HEARING THE HEAVENS OPENED UP TO JUST ME! I WAS NOT DEAD! BUT, I WAS ALIVE MORE IN MY SPIRIT THAN IN MY BODY AT THAT TIME! SCIENCE AND BIBLICAL TRUTH BECOME MIRACULOUS!!!! THE BIBLE becomes completely true whether you believe me giving you the revelation intended for every human is real OR NOT!!! DEFY IT, I DARE YOU! PROVE ME WRONG; GO FOR IT! Find the smallest electron of a false idea in that prophecy! I hope you try. Why? Because you will find yourself on your knees worshipping the ALL SCIENCE CREATOR for our enjoyment!! Humans are NOT special; they are simply REQUIRED BY GOD to glorify him! Look out there all you want. It isn’t out there! Why? Because it is a lie to think it is necessary to satisfy God with something “YOU ARE IMAGINING like an illusion [ any idea contrary to his word]!
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