Do you think your preacher or another preacher teaches scripture as with a “parable”(a device to “see” -figurative language- correctly what the scriptures mean on a spiritual level)?
If you do; ask your preacher, “who did Abraham give a tithe for”? I dont care what religion you are! If you believe the scripture over any preacher you should go with the scripture!! Right?
When Abraham took Isaac up the mountain what did that story represent? It was a PTN ( prophetic typological narration). Everything Abraham did represented a PTN! They were real stories that had two (2) REAL LIFE meanings and outcomes!! Abraham became the father of what? God told him his seed ( singular) would be as numerous as the sands on the shores. Why? Did God mean his wives would give birth to billions? That would be really stupid to even consider as a logical explanation! So, what did he mean? God used Abraham’s COMPLETE LIFE EXPERIENCES, once he choose to trust Yahweh, to DEMONSTRATE, SERVE, AND TEACH as an example and LITERAL “PERPETUAL TRUTH ABOUT EVERY SINGLE HUMAN AFTER HIS ACTIONS AS A BENEFIT FOR WHOM? In other words, Abraham took Issac up to demonstrate there was going to be a sacrifice of a “Father” to give a “son” which would SATISFY GOD’S WRATH AND ALL REPLACEMENTS OF THE TEMPORARY “CHURCH PRACTICES” of the Old Testament. What were those? How about animal sacrifices? The Catholics and Prodestants ended those. How about the “High Priests”? The Catholics did not end that nor the Jews! Why? How about the “order of the Holy Spirit”? The Prodestants ended the O.T. practices; well, not really! What is that order? It is the order that only the High Priests and prophets had the Holy Spirit filled abilities to discern scripture or go to God directly as in the inner most chamber of the temple. The Catholics did not end it or the Prodestants because they all teach heresy called Dispensationalism that FULLY TEACHES a different doctrine about that issue. Even the Prodestants do NOT TEACH the full power of the Holy Spirit as a Yahweh believer under the “Abrahamic descendant Promises”!
This ideology or doctrine that isn’t taught could be for two reasons. I believe there may be more but after you recognize the first Truth there will be no more reason to go past it. #1. The promises God gave Abraham for all believers WAS COMPLETELY PERPETUAL! The promises were for every believer as an ETERNAL CHILD OF GOD that started ever since Adam. Eternal means it goes backwards and forwards!! It is PERPETUAL!! SO, the offering Abraham made to Melchizedec was ALSO PERPETUAL!!
You can not make any kind of offering for somebody’s soul! The Catholics made up Purgatory FOR MONEY!!! IT IS DEMONIC; in other words a LIE! HOW ABOUT THE PRODESTANTS? WELL, tithing in general was FINAL!!! JESUS MADE A FINAL SACRIFCE AND ABRAHAM MADE A FINAL OFFERING!!!
YOU CAN NOT believe scripture is truly Perpetual with all these false doctrines in all the churches that do ONE THING!
NOW, READ WHAT PAUL TOLD many. Paul was a tent maker and worked and preached freely. There were gifts he did recieve; but, for another lesson in the correct discernment of many money issues of the disciples recieving funds there still stands the FACT THAT ABRAHAM MADE A PERPETUAL OFFERING TO GOD FOR ADAM AND EVE ALL THE WAY TO THE LAST DAY FOR ANY CHRISTIAN WHO BREATHES A SINGLE BREATH AS A CHRISTIAN!