Find any story about anything or anybody and apply the story of Jesus through them with the diagram shown. So many times scripture has been discerned as though you read a story about something in scripture as though there is NO SPIRITUAL application or at best only part of the story had a spiritual meaning. Take for example the crucifixion of Jesus. That story has a massive spiritual message but have you ever heard the story broken down into “spiritual pieces”? What does this mean? It means everytime you hear or read a story in the Bible you can not ignore the small things to understand what the spirit is trying to reveal. Here is proof what I am saying is true: the geniuses in theology analyzed this and came up with “word studies”, “line by line studies”, “topical studies” and doctrines of men! They were super close but they did NOT use the parable (device- a figurative word to describe a spiritual lens that looks into heaven with your eye balls shut and your heart, soul, and mind fine tuning them for sight and sounds that a spiritual) Jesus told us to use. Back to the crucifixion, why was Jesus speared after dieing on the cross? He was dead! They did not do it to the others! Was it a Roman custom after being tortured on the cross? No. Do a “word study” as the geniuses do and you get nothing spiritual. You have to use PTN (prophetic typological narration) of ALL the stories behind ( going backward in time- not forward) this event to spiritually understand. Then as you are thinking about “blood” stories and “water” stories apply them further to the diagram shown. What you should see spiritually is “blood” now equals eternal life through and by only Jesus on the “HIGHER /UPPER LEVEL” of ALL THINGS; and the “water” stories equals “JUDGEMENT” which was constantly sought by the Isrealites even after the water took all those who refused Yahweh when Noah declared his name! Abraham was “RESCUED FROM THE WATER”! Many theologians take the “water” as a symbol for “life” as well as the “blood”. But, YOU MUST IGNORE THE REALITY GOD DEMANDS JUDGEMENT as much as forgiveness. THEOLOGIANS are constantly “WATERING DOWN” the plan of salvation as if nobody goes to hell! Jesus’ DEATH WAS THE IMPUTED JUDGEMENT OF US!! YOU CAN NOT BE FORGIVEN WITHOUT JUDGEMENT! NOTHING IS FREE! Water was used many times as a symbol for life; but, water on the “LOWER LEVEL” is temporary (the story of Moses splitting the rocks tells us that) and YOU MUST ACCEPT THE BLOOD TO RECIEVE THE “SWEET WATER” FROM JESUS” [ another reason there are two stories of Moses splitting the rock for water]! It is water that must be changed to “WINE” for the “UPPER LEVEL”. Abraham accepted the “Bread and Wine” on the upper level from Methuselah in the wilderness ( another PTN of the wilderness scene of Jesus coming later in time). Jesus turned the “water” into “wine” which WAS BETTER! “WATER” is not a symbol for life on the upper level. Water gets you magnificently to “AN END”! The Isrealites were thirsty! What did they want? They were given “bread” and demanded “meat”! The “bread” was on the upper level and the meat was on the lower level. The Isrealites were lead STRAIGHT TO THE GIANT WATER TROUGH! WHAT HAPPENED? JUDGEMENT! Moses delivered them “from the water” while the Egyptians recieved the JUDGEMENT from the wrath of God and they meet their end! The Isrealites [ which were NOT ALL BLOOD LINE JEWS- but a mix of Jews and Gentiles, but theologians DONT DIVULGE THAT TRUTH FOR THE PROFIT OF THEIR FICTION BOOKS SOLD AS NON-FICTION] “REPRESENTED” you and I; but, theologians have constantly declared they represented the saved! WRONG! The Egyptians glorified God by giving “US” the story of the plan of salvation! You must be baptized by water ( go through the water) and recieve the upper level of the heavenly gifts! It would not have been much of a story with just the Egyptians get killed and no one being saved. Think of the Harlem Globtrotters playing their famous basketball games against the Washington Generals (WG). The WG always lost. It was rigged; but, God uses and used the hearts of men “WHO CHOOSE DISOBEDIENCE” by showing the WORLD THEY ALWAYS LOSE! THANK YOU GOD FOR BEING SOVERIEGN AND OMNISCIENT. Look at the diagram! God has no begining and no end. Instead of the demonic interpretation of “sovereignty” as a typical “forced hand of destruction like sacrificing children for his pleasure, put your finger on the far right side of the upper level called eternity and go to the right until you get back to HIS BEGINING. Theologians have always put their fingers where man started and went to the right with explanations of terms like “predestination”. But, God does NOT! GOD GOES FROM ETERNITY BACKWARDS! Like the Globtrotters playing the WG’s God knew they would lose in the fair game! So, God used THE FAIR GAME OF THE ISREALITES [PTN for WG’s]( which theologians describe as rigged- which only appeared as rigged BY DEMONIC INTERPRETATIONS) against the Egyptians [ anybody against God which are all called the anti-Christ) to show US ( the stones- like the Ninevites) the grace Jesus was offering to all of mankind SINCE ADAM!!! YES!! GRACE WAS OFFERED TO ADAM!! THE GRACE period started before Adam actually( next article I will write about in more detail). The Isrealites (WG’s) were going to lose ( deny Jesus) and God knew it! But, he protected the secrecy that the scum of the earth ( stones, Ninevites, Samaritans) would repent given more time and the GOSPEL! After all, it says the gospel WAS WITHHELD from them. The Isrealites were given the word! The scum needed the word also and Jesus was on a blazing path to bring it! Satan get out of the way! The battle plan of Jesus was being fought like most warriors on the “LOWER LEVEL”! BUT, guess where the warriors of victory stand? ON THE “HIGHER LEVEL”; and Satan and the WORLD NEVER SAW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They continue still today explaining the battle on the worldly level with world explanations and genius interpretations!!!!!!!!!! They sell books and make millions!!!!! They are fools! They interpret WITHOUT THE SPIRIT OF GOD!!
Thus, a soul must be transfigured from the “lower level” to the “upper level” ( think of the chart while reading every story- think of the lower temple, the lower sacrifices, the lower order of ALL THINGS ON THIS PLANET were just merely SYMBOLS of the “UPPER LEVEL” OF EVERYTHING)!