Smoke’n – Spoken

I love telling others about this Bible story. It is really close to the top five things I like telling people. One reason is because even the elders, and deacons haven’t ever heard this truth.

I start by asking everybody if they have ever seen a cowboy and Indians movie. It seemed like ever cowboy movie has Indians that end up making smoke signals, smoking a pipe and seeing “spiritual stuff” or chanting and sounding like the opium has taken over their tongue. Indians knew history from thousands of years ago when the Israelites built the first temple of Elohim. God gave specific instructions to the priests when doing anything from dressing to offering sacrifices and even taking baths. God told the priests to wear a bell on their garments as a sign to the other temple workers that he was still alive from the jingle. If that jingle stopped it was because the priest messed up and got “smoked”! God is a spirit and does not accept Hebrew or English, or any other languages man can speak. God hears “spiritual”. God returns answers in “spiritual”. Do you know that God says when you speak your language it literally stinks! Now I usually pray with my head bowed and my mouth shut; but, God says my breath is still horrible with it shut. God is actually talking about my “spiritual voice”. But on my best day with the best righteous state of heart and mind, I could have, my prayer would stink worse than a skunk’s and I would be smoked like being buried 100 feet deep from a blazing, smoking huge meteor. All of my righteousness is “as filthy rags”! My prayers to God included! So, God taught the Priests to help sweeten or cover their skunk breath with burning incense! The Indians knew that “smoke” was used for “speaking to the gods”( I say that because they had many). The interesting thing about praying is how prayers go up to God by the way of another vehicle. In the Old Testament the “smoke was ONLY A REPRESENTATION” to teach the Priests and future Christians they can NOT just talk (babble) with the best intentions because our human voice ( requests of any kind-even in the Lord’s will) is unholy due to our FLESH! God would accept our prayers if we submit to his “spiritual advocate” known as the “smoke” ( but actually the smoke was a visual teaching of a real tangible ( as much as smoke is tangible) vehicle that will eventually fill a human’s flesh. When you pray be glad you DON’T GET SMOKED; because the “Holy Spirit has spoken” for you! If you use opium you will see some figures but it will not be God. Secondly, God will look down and NOT SMELL A STINKY SKUNK; but a “smoke-filled” ( Holy Spirit) creation that pleases his nostrils and if you keep your “mountain of dirt” (sinful fleshly will) out of your request, HE WILL GIVE YOU WHATEVER IT IS!

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Melchizedek University
