Let’s read some scripture with commonsense or as God calls it wisdom!

“The one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God. Never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.”

Revelation 3:12

John wrote Revelations; but, he just quoted Jesus. So, even though John uses figurative language in all of Revelations he probably got inspired by Christ himself, as it plainly indicates!

Unless, you think Jesus “literally” means a human will become stone and he will pull out a 2019 manufactured black fat tipped “Sharpie”? Or maybe he meant in those days a red hot iron pen like what was used to “BRAND CATTLE”?

So, REMEMBER the Holy Spirit says “MARK” means “WHAT WE THINK” as to whom we belong!!!!!!!!! Read Roman’s 16:17 “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”

Romans 16:17 KJV

Now stop reading this and read all of Roman’s 16:25-27 in the ESV. That verse you just read tells you to STOP LISTENING TO PREACHERS WHO ARE ACTUALLY TELLING YOU WILL GET “AN EMBEDDED CHIP IN YOUR WREST, OR A TATTO ON YOUR FOREHEAD, OR SOMEOTHER “Mark”!!!! 

Read Mark 7!!!! Jesus gives you a parable to further understand what “MARK” means and how to distinguish a person!!!!!! 

“And he said to them, “Then are you also without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him,”

Mark 7:18 ESV

The the whole chapter; dont take my line by line highlights to conclude what I am leading you to is the scripture synergy principle! Read the chapters in Roman and Mark!!!

And if you remember Lot’s wife “looking back” at judgement she became an ICONIC ETERNAL PILLAR ( why did not God say pile, mound, lump, heap of salt?- This is super important to note: when this mention of the word “pillar” is used in the story of Lot in Genesis, then you read the “exact same word pillar used in Revelations people generally don’t associate the words as SCRIPTURE SYNERGY RELEVANT because of the ” TIME SPANSE IS SO GREATLY APART!!! When God gave Moses the word pillar to use in Genesis he used it instantly thousands of years ( two years, four hundred years or a billion- a vast amount of time went by; especially since we are already brainwashed in the “doctrine of time” junk that makes things in scripture different!! Remember grace was never in the Old Testament “times” because…… yet, it is “literally “grace” that was applied to Abram and Sarai both in their names and in their lives when following after Yahweh!!!) later in a different scripture verse [Revelations 3:12]written by someone else!!!! To God, both times he mentions these aspects regarding pillar, they ARE BEING USED AT THE EXACT SAME TIME!!!!! It is not at the same time in the literal sense to us, BUT THE SYMBOLIC representation is being repeated from the Old Testament of what happens when “God PROMISES an everlasting blessing or judgement”! What is a pillar of marble? Nothing! It is symbolic of nothing! God makes covenants with people( salt)! God actually uses this particular word and her literally becoming a statute (pillar) is because God is going to teach all of mankind thru the word picture of an actual very memorable story how “SHE WAS USED TO “SUPPORT GOD BY WITNESSING HIS JUDGEMENT AND FULLFILMENT OF THAT JUDGEMENTAL DESTRUCTION AS A WITNESS FOR GOOD”!!!!! [ A quick and short tangent added: Lot’s wife becomes also a fulfillment of the promise that says no one can lay eyes upon him and live! When God came to kill all those in Sodom & Gomorrah there were two other neighboring cities that were completely destroyed also!! How many people lived in those three cities?? There could have been easily MILLIONS!! NOW, just for a second place Jesus and his Angel’s riding to the destruction of these three cities! Have you read anything in Revelations describing the massive amounts of blood pouring out from all of these deaths. Just because there is “fire and brimestone” does NOT NECESSARILY mean a literal falling hail from 30,000 feet high! Fire is judgement and brimestone is burning round objects that could be thrown high and falls to its’ target- think about Jude 1 and read Revelations before reading it. Do you see the unbelievable similarities? They ARE THERE for a reason!] God uses saved people’s DISOBEDIENCE for the BETTERMENT of His glory. The “Dead Sea” is believed to be a very close proximity to these three cities! Nothing, not a single living insect or twig left from the destruction of God’s judgement- does that sound like Hell? It is another PTN! THAT story is covered in PTN about so many things! Another quick tangent to add to this is this “pillar” is an eternal witness representing a lot of things! Satan wanted the bones of Moses! Why? Many have wondered. Where did Moses die? He was buried on the bank ( it was not in the valley) of the Dead Sea ( possibly Mount Nebo)! Moses had to carry the bones of Joseph with him thru the wilderness. Moses narrated Joseph going to the other side as they crossed the Red Sea! Know this, Satan was trying to deceive men with the dead bones of Moses!! How? By changing the PTN Moses narrated in life. Our PTN is perpetual!! Satan had an idea to destroy the WORD OF GOD by Moses’ bones! If the story changed about his place of burial and why; Satan could have made Moses god! [ there is a lot of PTN’s from Moses’ life would have looked like the flock of Moses had followed after him and not the God of Abraham- read about the angel coming to kill Moses].

It is just as Moses and Aaron’s disobedience kept them from leading the children of God across the Red Sea ( thru the gate of heaven)as the High Priest into the Promise land kl( heaven)and God provided the BETTER HIGH PRIEST YAHWEH ( definition of Joshua)who worshipped always ONLY GOD (definition of Kaleb)into heaven!!! This, God made literally a human a pillar! God used many times ONE PERSON TO SET THE STANDARD FOR ALL ETERNITY TO CONVEY THE MEANING (the PTN)! Where would people have learned God’s word? The library? The internet? The scrolls? The entire WORLD WAS NAKED OF INFORMATION other than witnessing it first hand, or hearing the lesson from a PTN story ( can you remember every story told to you? No way!!!! Would you remember a story about a tornado, a flood, a city being destroyed by falling fire and crushing “ice”?? Then the story of the only family that escaped? The “DIVERSE WAYS” were finished being told after Jesus! But, God’s word was NOT KEPT FROM the people! Lot’s wife died; but she was a saved ( physically and spiritually) woman as she was “SALT” looking “as forever” at God’s “right hand” of judgement. She became the O.T. representation of Jesus’ figurative language. Jesus was saying it is BETTER to be INSIDE the Temple than outside the walls. But, if you continue to read “literally”, Jesus says you would mean you “never leave”! Do you expect God intends for your life thru all ETERNITY to stay inside a building? You would never eat or experience the billions of things outside with everyone else? A literal interpretation is “NUTS”! YOU HAVE TO INTERPRET USING WISDOM/ GOD GIVEN/ HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED/ SPIRIT WITH SPIRIT/ PTN ( prophetic typological narration)! Remember the High Priests and all the things they had to do to stay alive while working in the inner chamber? High Priests died (the reason they had bell’s on the bottom of their garment) and did not go to hell. But, God makes his judgements and blessings “ETERNAL” is the MESSAGE!

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Melchizedek University
