How can a Christian read or quote a Bible verse and say something spiritually prophetic, blessings, prayers, councel, facts, judgement, reverence, or righteous cautiousness, if he can NOT discern reading the word “SPIRITUALLY”?
1 Cor. 2- 1 Cor. 4 says he can NOT!
I say this not as a pompous prideful man; BUT, WITH THE GRACOUS BLESSING and maybe humorous Godly ability to teach what God has made actually simple! There are many reasons why a person can not; but the list of why you should and can are spiritually profound!
THE FIRST REASON, to defend yourself from your flesh, the world. and all of Satan’s helm!
SECOND REASON, because God wants us to be able to do it!! Jeremiah 33:2-3.
THIRD, your armor is very TINY AND YOUR REWARDS are much greater with BIGGER ARMOR. Think of the first reward of giving your children defensive powers and providing the Gifts of the Holy Spirit! Many have said, isn’t it the Holy Spirit who would give the gifts?
The answer is “NO”!!!
JESUS GAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT TO HIS CHILDREN; it is WORK that is required like Jesus handing the baskets of fish to the disciples. Jesus DID NOT PERSONALLY WALK AROUND! HE IS GOD!
Jesus is the Captain of the fishing boats. Jesus knows where to send you to cast the nets ( that means persuade and speak the gospel); but if you think you are going to sit in a lawn chair on the deck you will find yourself washed off and drowned! He does not tolerate the lazy! Working for one’s real future isn’t making money for your bank account. Many try brainwashing us to believe it is (the carnal or earthly treasure or spiritual everlasting) and “donating” so somebody else can do the “work” or just watch Jesus snap his fingers “concept”! How do fishermen get paid? Watching Jesus? Believing Jesus will have the fish (New Christians) “leap into the fish wells(some literally think that way)? Any of those insane parables sound similar? HE HAD ETERNITY TO DO ALL THE WORK AS IF THERE WERE NO TIME( another analogy that Satan loves)! Jesus could work OR HAVE WORKED AND IT WOULD HAVE NEVER MADE HIM TIRED! SO, WHY NOT? It always amazes me that Christians talk as if he was too stupid to make robots! He made humans instead, who have to work BY CHOICE and can be rewarded ( it is really fun rewarding an obedient child for behaving and doing good)! EACH OF US HAVE TO WORK AND EXPERIENCE FAILURE AND EPIC FAILURE EXPERIENCES (it is called sanctification “IF IT IS SPIRITUAL- MOST CHRISTIANS THINK “CARNAL FAILURES COUNT” as sanctification- DISOBEDIENCE IS NOT RIGHTEOUSLY TRYING TO OBEY. IF “Carnal” failures counted then Jonah being swallowed by the whale would be a praise to God and his failure would not burn in the fire at judgement! Or, how about a lost guy who claims “he tried to do good” too- that is called DEPRAVITY!!). A person can be proud of his work and even righteous failures; BUT NOT DISOBEDIENCE AND “not” hand outs! But, any reward takes FAITH FIRST! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Probably closing your eyes and walking a cross the highway and not getting killed is an act of faith. Crazy! Many people just jump! Then on the way down start praying. An act of FAITH REQUIRES communication with Jesus FIRST! FAITH is communication from God that sounds easy or maybe something requiring a miracle! Abraham did NOT launch early one morning to go kill his son! Abraham prayed and Jesus told him “he would provide”! Abraham did NOT KNOW WHAT IT MEANT; BUT, no doubt it would take Godly faith to launch early to do that! The next the you think you need to launch out in faith bend your knees first or your head. Talk to Jesus. I don’t mean God the Father, not the Holy Spirit, not any ” Saint” who might be in heaven (WHO BY THE WAY CAN NOT HEAR YOUR PRAYERS!), no family member, JUST JESUS! The Holy Spirit will take your English or whatever earthly language and translate your babblings into a “heartful spiritual communication” THAT NOBODY IN HEAVEN CAN DO OR HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP PRAYING TO SAINTS.
JESUS, was the servant on the cross but NOT our maid! JESUS ASKS FOR US TO “SERVE HIM”! IT IS BY “SERVING OTHERS” ( as in the parables) that we accomplish that! The disciples went out with a small basket and feed thousands! The miracle JESUS STARTS CONTINUES THROUGH US!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE THE SPIRIT OF GOD IN US!!!!
“Grace” it seems is always referred to as an adjective; IT ISN’T!!!! IT IS A NOUN!
“GRACE” is literally the Holy Spirit!!
Thus, the Holy Spirit is literally a “super hero’s” ( actually a Priest’s, Prophet, and a King’s) WEAPON! IF you dont have the weapon in your flesh, fighting your flesh you are in a BAD WAY.