
“Get Scripturally Real” #2:

By Melchizedek University / August 5, 2020

The Good Samaritan bible story has continually been discerned incorrectly in church but not outside the Christian faith.  What does that mean?  The disciples told Jesus they did not understand their meanings.  Then they asked Jesus to explain them.  Jesus said it is not for the lost to understand them.  What did he say?  Does…

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Fury! Anger! Rage! Hot!

By Melchizedek University / August 5, 2020

Part 1 of 7 The sun is shinning as the rain has subsided temporarily.  Such a beautiful day!  Tranquility, peace, health, a warm and cool place to lay your head at night, a good prepared meal by a wife/husband or friend be shared together, and just good loving friendship enjoyed at the park, backyard, or…

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Fake Darwinian idea even more fake now!

By Melchizedek University / August 5, 2020
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“Buried Treasure takes a Shovel”

By Melchizedek University / August 5, 2020

How did everybody on the planet who has ever lived learn the bible?  When was the bible cannonized?  When was the original writings translated?  Do you speak Hebrew or Latin?  Think hard; you could say the English KJV was actually around the middle of the 16th century; that just so happens to be when the…

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Why do 99% of the Christian believers think…

By Melchizedek University / July 31, 2020

Why do 99% of the Christian believers think that when scripture has the slightest hint of the suggestion of “calling” it is talking about salvation? Oh, maybe because of the brainwashing of Calvinism that your preacher can NOT EVEN explain! Try this ideology: “you will call on God from your grave”! Is that talking about…

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Who was first Adam or the “second Adam”?

By Melchizedek University / July 31, 2020

Who was first Adam or the “second Adam”? You can not possibly understand anything in scripture without this correctly understood!

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What a great bible study today!

By Melchizedek University / July 31, 2020

What a great bible study today! Ask yourself what is God’s will for your life? Most of you have believed it is everything you are doing that basically doesn’t fall into a sin category; after all, what is wrong with having fun or working hard? Without bringing to the table some deep theological stuff with…

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This could change so many people’s minds…

By Melchizedek University / July 31, 2020


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The BIGGEST foot print!

By Melchizedek University / July 31, 2020

I enjoyed my trip again to Florida. It entailed a great wedding in Sarasota; walks at a marina which brought back many memories of my dad and his marina. There was a lot of the family celebrating and playing games. We ate like kings and queens. We visited Fort Myers, Bonita Springs, and our past…

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Sticks or Steaks?

By Melchizedek University / July 31, 2020

Have you ever picked up a stick to eat it? If God is sovereign than “he can” make it healthy for you. This is the same ideology of God’s sovereign ability to make “a goat” give him glory. What if there were a steak laying beside the stick but it was camouflaged and God decided…

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