
If I told you that there are two ways to interpret scripture, what would you say?

By Melchizedek University / July 28, 2020

If I told you that there are two ways to interpret scripture, what would you say? If I told you there is, in fact, an interpretation for the lost and then another hidden or deeper (but completely different) way for the saved, that would be true! Jesus told plainly that the parables ( it actually includes…

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I pray that it continues to feed and uplift you in your Christian life…

By Melchizedek University / July 28, 2020

I pray that it continues to feed and uplift you in your Christian life as we all need armor and God’s new refreshing mercy each morning. We did not live when Moses held out his arms; but, we have all been baptized by water like the Israelites and have received a fresh start in a land…

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God told Moses he had heard “his people cry to him”

By Melchizedek University / July 28, 2020

God told Moses he had heard “his people cry to him”. Who are those people? If you study your Bible with expository teaching you get “Israelites”. Really? They all DIED! Yes, Israelites crossed the Jordan; but, my statement is still correct. How? Well, read and tell me how you can include Levites who could not marry and have…

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“Go. Yield. Stop. Hate. Love.”

By Melchizedek University / July 28, 2020

“Go. Yield. Stop. Hate. Love.” “Love”? Define it. “Hate”? Define it. Who gave you permission? Were you the first who defined it? It is sad how a person is so influenced by Satan, the world and his flesh! You can ask 100 people what each of those words means and you would get very similar…

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Forgiveness is grace; but, it is not equal to rain (Matt. 5:45)

By Melchizedek University / July 28, 2020

Forgiveness is grace; but, it is not equal to rain (Matt. 5:45). God is explaining his grace (gift of life, not eternal life) in that verse. But, forgiveness IS NOT like rain! Some partially quote Oswald with:”Forgiveness is the divine miracle of grace”. Preachers use Bible verses in the same way with expository teaching and it makes the statement…

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By Melchizedek University / July 28, 2020

It is crazy to think that society believes we are in such a techy world with talking watches, planes going to outer space, the development of supercomputers and etc; but, kids in schools today can NOT READ an analog watch! Kids today only have digital timepieces on their phones, watches, ovens, TV’s, and everything around…

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Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

By Melchizedek University / July 28, 2020

Do you know what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is? Most respond with the typical expository teaching of Mark 3:28-30. It reads: “Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but…

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Bible quiz:

By Melchizedek University / July 28, 2020

Bible quiz: What is Saul’s name after he gets saved? Paul? Wrong!!!! Crap taught by folks wanting you to swallow teachings by the “old scholar reformers” who had another agenda!  Can I prove it? YES! First, you defend this by quoting scripture that says God changed his name! Go for it.

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By Melchizedek University / July 28, 2020


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As paid for by John Bowen, author and founder of Filthy Rags Ministry…

By Melchizedek University / July 28, 2020

As paid for by John Bowen, author and founder of Filthy Rags Ministry. “My Next Career is going to be an Elvis Impersonator!” I think I am sick of working as hard as I do! Shoveling, sweat, extreme heat during the summer, the scorching sun during the day, having to rely on workers who do not…

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