
These folks just keep coming up showing their true values and people need to run!

By Melchizedek University / July 24, 2020

Lutheran, Episcopal and United Church of Christ Clergy: “We Stand With Planned Parenthood” Abortion Biz

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The Prodigal Son, Says Who? Part 2

By Melchizedek University / July 24, 2020

Part 2 of 2 Jesus gives them eight (8) parables to relate to what? Do you honestly separate all these stories for different intentions of God? Did not God say he came to do ONE THING? It is good that a person might take away “manners” from a parable; but, that person is a FOOL IF…

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The Prodigal Son, Says Who? Part 1

By Melchizedek University / July 24, 2020

Part 1of 2 Who titled the Bible story in Luke 15, “The Prodigal Son?”. I assure you he did not have the full Spirit of God telling him it was about one of the kids “wasting some money”. It was a person perceiving it like every other “lost” soul. God’s word goes out and returns…

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Some would argue that my statement or “opinion” about abortion is just “my opinion”.

By Melchizedek University / July 24, 2020

Some would argue that my statement or “opinion” about abortion is just “my opinion”. However, gravity is not an opinion; but, many argue facts as though they are! Christians have to stand up or we will allow the majority to give us another unGodly ruler (another reality of fact based upon almost 7,000 years of recorded…

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By Melchizedek University / July 24, 2020

I am trying hard to study scripture that preachers are using incorrectly about Elisha telling Joash to pound his bow on the ground for “missed opportunities”! I really feel the Holy Spirit telling me it involves generational curses. So, I started writing as God gave me an title and a part of an analogy with perennials. Now…

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Why is it so hard to learn the truth about the Bible?

By Melchizedek University / July 21, 2020

Why is it so hard to learn the truth about the Bible? Because genius theologians on 640 am in Memphis are saying egregiously stupid crap!!! This guy, with a doctorate degree, just told the whole world God raises up Kings and rulers and takes them out. Then he said the situation right now with Iran is just…

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When people of other religions talk to God…

By Melchizedek University / July 21, 2020

When people of other religions talk to God who translates their thoughts and words into the spiritual conversation to that spiritual God?

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Truth in science again!

By Melchizedek University / July 21, 2020

Truth in science again! https://www.icr.org/article/a-3-d-praying-mantis-vision-confounds/

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The Good Traveler

By Melchizedek University / July 21, 2020

. The Good Samaritan bible story has continually been discerned incorrectly in church but not outside the Christian faith.  What does that mean?  The disciples told Jesus they did not understand their meanings. Then they asked Jesus to explain them. Jesus said it is not for the lost to understand them.  What did he say?  Does a…

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Tell me how every

By Melchizedek University / July 21, 2020

“Christian” and theological graduate… Tell me how every “Christian” and theological graduate has the “spiritual permission” and “college graduate ideology” to recruit mission workers (without Bible knowledge, just the basic John 3:16 profession) to every country in the world with the ABSOLUTE INTENTION, BELIEF, AUTHORITY, FINANCIAL BACKING, AND FAITH-BASED BELIEF that any person in that…

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