
In Chicago! That is a sound blow from a judge!

By Melchizedek University / July 17, 2020
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If you want to understand PTN ( prophetic typological narrations) write your testimony. Then write your PTN….

By Melchizedek University / July 17, 2020

If you want to understand PTN ( prophetic typological narrations) write your testimony. Then write your PTN. YOU WILL SEE A HUGE DIFFERENCE!! When you read your Bible you need to start reading all scripture as though the writer is writing the PTN of everything in the story! The characters, the moral of the story, the…

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If you got a knock on your door and you find Satan standing there; what do you think he would say?

By Melchizedek University / July 17, 2020

If you got a knock on your door and you find Satan standing there; what do you think he would say? The crazy thing is most Christians find themselves thinking he would say, “Yes, I made you do that”. However, the truth is like when I might see him, he would say, ” Oh, you…

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If you are of the “LIVING” then you are able to eat the invisible!

By Melchizedek University / July 17, 2020

The last message was about the Holy Spirit. If you are of the “LIVING” then you are able to eat the invisible! That is what is part of the POWER OF GOD! JESUS PROVED IT IN THE WILDERNESS! JEREMIAH said 15:16″Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy…

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I just “scripturally and historically” explained the “mark in their hands” and “in their forehead” in Revelations 12…

By Melchizedek University / July 17, 2020

I just “scripturally and historically” explained the “mark in their hands” and “in their forehead” in Revelations 12; but, that doesn’t seem like enough for the results of brainwashing by our preachers, the doctorate multi-million dollar book sellers, and our beloved Sunday school and small group teachers who positively and lovingly taught us the “END…

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I am taking a very small gamble that fusion could be a “very near future” reality. Thus, if you are a Dispensationalist…

By Melchizedek University / July 17, 2020

I am taking a very small gamble that fusion could be a “very near future” reality. Thus, if you are a Dispensationalist or an “End times postmillennialist” you can NOT figure out why the heck I have invested money to get a return on my investment some 4,000 years from now (this is an extreme…

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How to solve racism:

By Melchizedek University / July 17, 2020

The question presented was whether I thought Trump was a “racist”?  Answer: Racist like God! God said all “races” are heathen except the Israelites ( during Abraham’s day). But, “race” is an evolutionary term; which was invented by Charles Darwin when he claimed the “black slaves” being bought in Africa from other black tribes were part of…

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How do you know you are reading the Bible and learning or hearing the “spirit” of God?

By Melchizedek University / July 17, 2020

How do you know you are reading the Bible and learning or hearing the “spirit” of God? There are several ways, but one I want you to be assured of is you will not find the typical interpretation as correct. #2. You will receive bread! Here is a simple test: Drive-by a speed limit sign on the…

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How can a Christian read or quote a Bible verse and say something spiritually prophetic, blessings…

By Melchizedek University / July 17, 2020

How can a Christian read or quote a Bible verse and say something spiritually prophetic, blessings, prayers, councel, facts, judgement, reverence, or righteous cautiousness, if he can NOT discern reading the word “SPIRITUALLY”? 1 Cor. 2- 1 Cor. 4 says he can NOT! CAN YOU READ AS THE DISCIPLES ASKED JESUS TO EXPLAIN THE PARABLES? I…

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Here is a current event to explain “imputing”.

By Melchizedek University / July 17, 2020


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