Let’s read some scripture with commonsense or as God calls it wisdom!
“The one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God. Never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my God out of heaven,…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there were people on the earth that came from the descendants of Noah’s three sons…
Once upon a time, there were people on the earth that came from the descendants of Noah’s three sons. These people were all “Adamites”. At the Tower of Babel God caused a great division in order to stop a second earthly annihilation of all of mankind due to the idolatry of all men. Dividing the human race saved…
Read MorePTN of how to explain our constitutional principle of “seperation of church and state”!
Read MorePeople ask all the time, mostly as an argumentative statement, which religion was first?
People ask all the time, mostly as an argumentative statement, which religion was first? Adam & Eve worshipped Yahweh! They did not know that name, but it was a progressive post name coming from El, then Elohim. It was post El and Elohum due to COPY CATS! IDOLATERS were convinced by Satan to call their FALSE GOD by…
Read MoreRoman’s 9:17- This is the “go to verse for all those who claim predestination. However, they never read Exodus 1:8! So, I ask you do you know Satan?…
Roman’s 9:17- This is the “go to verse for all those who claim predestination. However, they never read Exodus 1:8! So, I ask you do you know Satan? Do you want to say, yes? Or do you want to say, no? If you say yes, what would that mean? If you say no, would that be the truth? See each answer is…
Read MoreScience, when will truth be a part of it?
Read MoreSmoke’n – Spoken
I love telling others about this Bible story. It is really close to the top five things I like telling people. One reason is because even the elders, and deacons haven’t ever heard this truth. I start by asking everybody if they have ever seen a cowboy and Indians movie. It seemed like ever cowboy movie has…
Read MoreTake situation in life and remember the moral or hard lesson you learned from it?
Take situation in life and remember the moral or hard lesson you learned from it? You might have partied hard and got drunk. But the drinking lead to the wreck. The wreck lead to the grounding. The wreck and the damages lead to getting a job and having to pay for the drinking. The job lead to working longer…
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