5.6 million!!!
Read More1. Everybody has an opinion. (True)
1. Everybody has an opinion. (True) 2. Some things are true for some people; but not others. (True) 3. The Bible can be true for some people; but, not others. ( False) 4. The Bible has one meaning. ( True) 5. Some Biblical truths can have several applications of use. (True) 6. Faith makes many…
Read MoreWhat Does Science and the Bible have in Common?
Is there science in the Bible? Does Science demonstrate truths in the Bible? One of the most famous astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, teaches how to learn and communicate about science. His famous quote is, “One of the greatest challenges of this world is knowing enough about a subject [so, science or the Bible is applicable…
Read MoreSlavery! Slavery! Slavery!
What on HECK is so bad about slavery? First, it is your IGNORANCE OF not knowing why it is GREAT GOD USED IT! Secondly, it is the reality of what should motivate a Christian the MOST! Thirdly, slavery is not “RACIAL”! Fourth, slavery was a RESULT OF SIN; but, NOT by the individual! It is…
Read MoreRevelations 14
Let’s get this straight! Revelations like the entire Bible speaks Hebrew translated into Greek and then into Latin and into further English and other languages. That is NOT hermeneutics!There are two kinds of discernments:1. Genius hermeneutics.2. Fisherman hermeneutics.We got taught in the class called”hermeneutics”, which was in seminary school, the “genius version of “how to…
Read MoreMisdirected Zeal “PTN” ( Prophetic Typological Narration)
Galatians 4:1-7 New International Version (NIV) 4 What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. 3 So also, when we were…
Read MoreNo one was challenged enough to try and win the $20.00 gift card.
The question was to list 3 of the greatest monuments you can think of regardless of whether you have seen them with your own eyes. First, a monument is usually huge, old, super important and built for a very special recognition.During these “social distancing” and “stay at home” periods I wanted you to think of…
Read MoreWhat is a monument?
Can you name a few? How about the “most famous”? List your 3 most famous monuments you know of, whether you have seen them or not. Try it.A $20.00 gift card of my choose to the coolest 3 choices. You have nothing to lose!
Read MoreLeave and Cleave
So you got 2 options1 – Continue to translate what God thinks with your education tools, Library info, book worm data and diplomasOR2 – Exercise you senses to discern between good and evil. Hebrews 5:14. Understand scripture “not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities…
Read MoreIt is amazing how many churchgoers are talking about forgiveness and have no idea what God has taught in the Bible.
#1. Forgiveness is a power given only to Christians. #2. The power of forgiveness is NOT actually you; but, he that is in you. What does that mean? You can NOT FORGIVE is closer to the meaning than you can. How is that? You can NOT understand forgiveness until you understand the principles of salvation…
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