
I teach and encourage . . .

By Melchizedek University / July 10, 2020

I teach and encourage highly no one use a single scripture verse, as commonly known as “line by line”, in an attempt to discern the spirit of scripture without the rest of the bible; but, please tell me why a person would utter thoughts of scriptural insanity to suggests Angel’s had sex with humans? Jesus…

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I am overwhelmed by the unbelievable responses. . .

By Melchizedek University / July 10, 2020

I am overwhelmed by the unbelievable responses written by people concerning the actions of Sadio Mane acting as a humble person with his super charitable wealth! Supposedly he lives like a poor guy instead of a very wealthy person who is completely capable of having expensive cars, big houses, and etc., etc.Everyone just writes: “Excellent”,…

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Here is a Memorial thought:

By Melchizedek University / July 10, 2020

Who has the best military? Who has saved more lives? Who has sacrificed the absolute most for you and me? Jesus has the best ARMY, best WATER DEFENSES, best AIR POWER, best BATTLE COMMUNICATION NETWORK, best, SEARCH & RESCUE, best BASE CAMP, MEDICAL, FOOD, AND RESTING FACILITIES for anyone NEEDING HELP!! Jesus IS THE SUPREME…

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Discerning the Book of Galations (PTN 101)

By Melchizedek University / July 10, 2020

Chapter 4:24 “Symbolic” or “Allegory” is the word Paul uses. We are being taught, that is how we should understand scripture. Abraham, Sarah or Hagar and Mt Sinai. Matter fact read the entire book and Paul uses symbolic allegory many times to elevate or reveal a Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is Prophetic Typological Narration…

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Another blue light special!

By Melchizedek University / July 10, 2020

This blue light is on isle “grace” at your friendly church. Sometimes it is called isle 666 where you find on the lower shelf next to the rat poison a 66.6 oz.. box of “heaven’s sake” at a 99.99 % discount and a coupon attached on the shelf in front of it that gives you…

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And people use the quote of Pharoah. . .

By Melchizedek University / July 10, 2020

And people use the quote of Pharoah ( the “new king” who just took the reins of all the camals from the previous 2 kings whom Joseph was more known than the kings themselves) in Exodus 1:8“Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.”Exodus 1:8 KJVhttps://bible.com/bible/1/exo.1.8.KJV and twist the meaning into the…

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A treasure taken to heaven;

By Melchizedek University / July 10, 2020

but, this treasure will continue to reap fruit from his faithful work serving Jesus! Any man or woman ( not just those in the Bible) who serves the Lord leaves a prophetic typological narrative of Christ and Mr. Ravi was like the great men in scripture who still today continue to inspire, teach and influence…

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A key to understanding/ discerning the messages of the Holy Spirit/Bible

By Melchizedek University / July 10, 2020

PSALMS 91: “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”Psalms 91:1 KJV It has taken my entire life and the help of two very special people to understand how to dig the gold out of scripture.Who knows what “Cliff’s Notes” are? They are a…

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Blog 12

By Melchizedek University / May 19, 2020

People ask all the time, mostly as an argumentative statement, which religion was first? Adam & Eve worshipped Yahweh!  They did not know that name, but it was a progressive post name coming from El, then Elohim.  It was post El and Elohum due to COPY CATS!  IDOLATERS were convinced by Satan to call their…

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PTN of how to explain our constitutional principle of “seperation of church and state!”

By Melchizedek University / May 19, 2020
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